Readers Are Leaders

Thursday, November 3, 2016

There is nothing quite like cloudy November mornings and the library. There is something magical about when your babies start reading, and we are quickly learning that with not only Piper but also Maverick. It’s kind of like when they start walking, but better. they are opened up to a whole new world of imagination & creativity. || 📚

You really can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it’s never too early to start reading together.

Remember readers are leaders. 

-Reading aloud to your child, talking about the words and pictures, and sharing ideas about a book.

-Reading to yourself -- children who see adults reading and enjoying it - are more likely to want to read to themselves.

-Surrounding your children with books - you don't need hundreds of books at home, but going to the library, or bookshops regularly to borrow books, buy books, spend time together and make choices together -- helps reading become a habit. 

Simply learn to #SayYes to books. 

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