"Childhood is not preparation for adulthood. It is a part of life." ~A.S. Neill.
I think sometimes we forget that children are humans too. As parents, it is our responsibility to nurture these little people - get them fed - get them dressed - get them to school - get the homework done - and so on and on - that we tend to be pushers - not in a bad way - we just forget the fact that they are human too.
This means bad days.
Or maybe feeling a little grumpy for no reason.
Or wanting to sit at home in your sweats just because.
Or feeling extra tired.
Or snapping back not because your sassy . . but because your grumpy.
The list could carry on. . Within the process of keeping these little beings alive and healthy - we forget that they are going to have normal moments just like adults.
Have you ever lectured your child for being hateful? -For talking back? -Or for crying in a store because their legs hurt and they're just too tired to carry on? Or snap at them for crying on the car ride to school.
Why do we hold children up to a different standard than we do ourselves? Why are they in trouble for feeling grouchy or feeling down or feeling tired or so on?
Trust me. I feel grouchy some days. I feel tired some days. Maybe I have a moment where I'd like to sit in bed and binge watch Netflix for a few hours. Or maybe just relax.
But when a child feels this way -- they often get lectured.
Childhood - Adulthood - all the same. Humans have days that are cloudy and rainy.
So don't forget in the moment - when your kid is crying and upset and whining - that they are simply human too. It's not always a tantrum. Kid's crave the same thing's we do - relaxation - peace at home - safety - comfort.
So don't forget to be a little more kind next time your child is upset in public or having a grumpy day.
Maverick has had an EPIC field trip planned to the pumpkin patch for weeks now. He's only three - and this would have been his first all day away field trip, except he woke up in a grumpy mood.
Complete tears.
Maybe he was nervous. Maybe he was tired. He just didn't act like his usual self getting ready this morning, nor did he enjoy book-fair today at school. Whenever I took him to class, he begged to go home with me.
He never acts this way. Ever. He typically loves school.
But I thought about all the times I've wanted to cancel plans too because I didn't feel up to par or honestly . . . just wanted to stay home in sweats. I feel it's pretty typical for adults to feel "under the weather" a lot. I love being at home. ♥
So after talking with him a bit this morning, and making sure he wasn't up for his all-day trip -- I brought him home. Because sometimes in life - you just have to cancel plans and have some R&R and that is 100% okay.
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