Where The Wild Things Are

Friday, October 21, 2016

"Faith includes noticing the mess. the emptiness, and discomfort -- and letting it be there until some light returns." --Anne Lamont 

Motherhood. This is my job. The one I am blessed to do every damn day. It never ends. It is constant. I might feel stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted at times -- but I will hold my tongue. Not give negativity any airtime. And only speak into existence words that help and not hinder me. There are moments when I fail and moments where I fall -- but I will not break. I can do this. And I can do this well.

The kids were feeling beyond frazzled today -- hopping into the car straight out of the doors from school in a funk. A heavy week of school weighing down on their souls. And I'm convinced that having TOO much electronic time makes them more moody - more frazzled - and causes more chaos than needs to be in our household. 

Being home only a few short hours from school - bringing in the weekend - and hearing my kids shouting at each other and one in tears - I decided to unplug everyone and take them out to the woods until the sun sets. 

I'm convinced that the crisp autumn air and the smell of pine can cure any funk -- and sure enough, it cured my kids. 

The boredom and the weight of the week melted away as they found magical wizard staff's and jumped into a good ole' sibling duel of magic and imagination. 

We soaked in the fresh air and watched the dead leaves drift down from the bare branches. 

Pretty great Friday night in my books.


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