The Starving Soul

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

i read a few pages from a book the other day
that really moved me spiritually 

and i thought i might share them with you

can an object go straight to your heart? 

twenty years ago 
i walked into a store 
and saw some old Amish quilts

i had never seen quilts like that
odd color combinations
deep saturated colors
simple geometric forms

they spoke directly to me
they knew something
they went straight to my heart

and that was the beginning
innocent enough

how opposite of an Amish quilt my life was

my life was like a crazy quilt
a pattern i hated

hundreds of scattered 
stimulating fragments 
each going off into its own direction
creating a lot of frantic energy

there was no overall structure 
to hold the pieces together

a tug-a-war was raging inside me

in contrast to the muted Amish quilt
i saw myself in extremes

a black and white person
who only made and organized her life
around black and white judgments

the driven part of me did not 
examine values 

i valued accomplishments 

i valued being special 

i valued results

never having enough time
i wanted it all 
a glutton of new experiences

tempted in all directions

i thought i was lucky to have so many
different directions

i naively believed 
i could live them all

a tyranny of lists engulfed me

these list created the illusion 
that my life was full

i would awake at 5am 
and create my lists 
of things to do
and it brought me great pleasure 

even though the list was nothing more
than a superimposed heap of choices 
representing all things i enjoyed
and all things i had to do

crowding and bumping 
against each other

any other person would
have thought this is ridiculous
its unrealistic 
no one can accomplish so much
in just one day

sometimes i would stop 
in the middle of the day
and rework my list 

when the scene of the page
looked especially chaotic 

hoping my newly created rows
would keep me from feeling 

i never thought to stop 
and ask myself 

what really matters 

accumulating choices 
was my way of not 
having to make a choice

by evening
my lists became a 
battlefield of hieroglyphics 

until the day at the store
a quilt spoke to me

 i then had an obsession with the Amish

objectively it made no sense

i, who worked hard at being special, 
fell in love with a people
who valued being ordinary. 

when i told people i wanted to live 
with an Amish family
everybody laughed

"no Amish family will ever take you in" 

i didn't know when i first looked at
an Amish quilt and felt my heart pounding
that my soul was starving that an inner
voice was trying to make sense of my life

i didn't know that i was beginning a 
journey of the spirit

A path that has heart.

i thought i was going to learn
more about their quilts

but the quilts were only guides
leading me to what i really 
needed to learn
to answer
a question I hadn't even formed yet

is there another way to lead a good life

i went searching for a foreign land
and found my way home 

perhaps each of us has a starved place
and each of us knows deep down
what we need to fill that place

to find the courage to trust
and to honor the search

to follow the voice that tells us
what we need to do
even when it doesn't seem to make sense
is a worthy pursuit

this story is about the search

maybe you have a dream


not fully formed

maybe you are on a similar quest

following a path that has heart
offers many lessons

the story goes on
to tell the journey of 
one woman 

and how she came to live
with the Amish

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